Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Operation Anything

I'm not sure which blog provided a link to KK's Running Through Life blog and her Operation Anything challenge. But I'm glad I clicked through because for the first time in a long, long while I feel that I have the motivation to follow-through on making some healthy lifestyle changes.

The reasons for my reaching this mindset are not revolutionary ... I've just finally reached the point of wanting to make these changes for ME. Obviously, I want to lead a healthy life so I can hopefully be around for a long time to be with my wonderful husband and children. I absolutely want to be a positive role model for my children so they don't grow up to be couch potatoes and have lifetimes of unhealthy habits. I've wanted that for a long time. But now, I want this healthy way of living and healthier body for me because I deserve it.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

So, my goal for Operation Anything is "Operation 150." I've reached that weight before and I can do it again. The last time was in 2002, but I fell off the wagon quickly after our beach vacation that year. Ah, yes, trips to Dairy Queen opened the door as apparently sweets are a "gateway" food for me. Once I go past moderation with sugar and chocolate, it's hard for me to stop and return to more healthy choices.

So, "Operation 150" fits in nicely with my weight loss resolution laid out in the prior post. (OK, Taylor, if you're still reading my blog posts from time to time, you do the math since I won't step on the scale or the Wii balance board while anybody's in the room! How's that for accountability? Heck, I might even put a weight loss ticker on the side.)

This week's goal-setting in "Operation 150" ... drumroll please ...

Complete the 4 runs scheduled between now and next Wednesday as part of my half-marathon plan (4 miles Saturday / 3.5 miles Monday / 2 miles Tuesday / 3.5 miles Wednesday)

I've done a good job on the plan so far although last weekend's 4 mile run was shifted from Saturday to Sunday due to a cold, misty rain. I only did 2.5 today instead of 3, but I really consider it a victory because I really, really, REALLY did not want to run today at lunch in the cold. If I had to fight it that hard today, this needs to be next week's goal to give me that little extra motivation.

That's the plan for now. Wish me luck!

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